Have you ever wondered what the benefits of training Muay Thai are? Or how to stay motivated when training gets tough? Absolute MMA gym owner and head coach Rob Handley’s Muay Thai teacher, Master Sem, shares his insights and advice on why you should train and how to stay motivated.
Master Sem started his Muay Thai career at 8-years-old in Thailand. He’s had a successful professional career as a fighter and now teaches people Muay Thai to help them achieve their goals.
What is Muay Thai?
Before learning from Master Sem, let’s talk about the history of Muay Thai and what it is. Muay Thai was created in Thailand roughly around the 16th century. It’s known for its effectiveness in hand-to-hand combat. Muay Thai uses kicks, knees, elbows, clinch work, sweeps, and punches to succeed in self-defense situations and organized competition.
What are Muay Thai classes like Absolute MMA?
Whether you’re wanting to get in better shape or compete as a fighter, you can achieve your goals by learning Muay Thai at Absolute MMA. Our Muay Thai classes are separated by fundamental and advanced classes to help meet students where they’re at with their actual striking abilities. You’ll learn defense, foundational strikes, and footwork in our fundamental class. Sparring, dynamic partner drills, and elbows are part of the curriculum for advanced Muay Thai classes.
Don’t stress about needing to become a master of Muay Thai right away. It’ll take a few months to learn core techniques then years to develop great technique. As you train consistently and are patient with yourself, you’ll make progress and be more confident in your abilities!
What type of equipment do I need to learn Muay Thai?
If you choose to learn Muay Thai, we recommend you use Muay Thai gloves due to its lightweight, flexible design. Muay Thai shorts are also recommended for Muay Thai which will make it easier to do everything from moving defensively to landing kicks. You don’t need headgear for our Muay Thai classes but are welcome to use it if you’d like.
Now that you have a better idea of Muay Thai and our classes at Absolute MMA, let’s move on to insights from Master Sem.
Question: Why should people learn Muay Thai?
Master Sem: People should learn Muay Thai for self-defense. You never know when you’ll get in trouble and need to defend yourself. Muay Thai is also great training because you can have fun and lose weight at the same time. You’ll be able to look good and enjoy your life.
When I have a new student, I ask them if they want to fight or if they’re doing Muay Thai to lose weight. About 70% of students are doing Muay Thai to work out and 30% want to fight. Knowing what their goals are helps me know how to train them.
Question: How do you stay motivated to keep training as a fighter?
Master Sem: If your goal is to fight, you need to work harder than if you were training to lose weight. You have to be running, shadow boxing, sparring, and working techniques. You can’t take it easy when training to fight.
Train hard. Fight easy. If you can work hard, you will make your fight easier.
Question: What’s your favorite advice for beginners?
Master Sem: I have a talk with my students. I share how to listen and show respect. Put in the work when you train. Don’t come to talk the whole time. Stay focused and train. Doing this will help you get more out of training.
You always need to work on basics. How to move, jab, and cross. It’s important to do the warmups like jumping rope and shadow boxing. You also need to do pad work to work on all of your skills.
Take your time and enjoy your workout. Muay Thai works your whole body. Over time, you will become stronger and faster. If you come 3 times a week, you’ll learn a lot. If you’re only coming to class 1 time a week, you won’t learn.
Question: How do you recover after a Muay Thai workout?
Master Sem: You will be very sore during your first week of training. However, the second week of training will be better because your body will get tougher. It’s important to give yourself time as you learn more. After a full month of training, your body will be stronger and adjust.
When it comes to food you should be eating, eat good food that is healthy for you. I recommend vegetables and fish. Always drink water. Don’t drink soda. Water is the number one choice anytime you’re thirsty. Be sure you’re eating to have energy to train.
Sign up for your free one-week trial at Absolute MMA!
You don’t need to have any fight experience to start learning Muay Thai. People of different abilities and skill levels train every day here at Absolute MMA in West Jordan, Utah. We’ll help you work towards your goals and be the best version of yourself. Our instructors are well-trained and are focused on helping you grow mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Join us by scheduling your trial here: https://absolutemma.com/free-trial/