Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) training is provided here at Absolute MMA in West Jordan, Utah. Athletes with different levels of experience and athleticism train here. They all have different goals such as wanting to learn self-defense, weight loss, and the desire to compete in organized matches. We offer classes in a variety of Martial Arts such as Judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and Muay Thai to help you be the most complete fighter you can be.
What is MMA?
Before we dive into the frequently asked questions we receive about MMA training, let’s talk about MMA for those who are new to the sport. MMA is the combination of different fighting styles that can be used both in organized competition and in self-defense. Our program at Absolute MMA pulls from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Judo, and Wrestling. We also offer a Fitness and Conditioning class to help you be a better fighter as you work to put your Grappling and Striking skills together.
MMA has grown in popularity over the years thanks to promotions like the UFC and Bellator. High-profile fighters like Anderson Silva, Ronda Rousey, and Georges St-Pierre have become household names for many sports fans around the world. While these fighters have achieved some of the accolades in the sport, they all had to start from the beginning. Like you, they needed a place to train and learn from coaches and teammates invested in their success. If your goal is to compete at the highest levels for MMA, we’re here for you. If your goal is to get in better shape or to learn self-defense, we’re here for you.
To help you understand how we can help you accomplish your personal goals, here are the most common questions we receive about MMA training with our answers.
Frequently asked questions and answers about MMA training

Over the last 20 years, we’ve worked with students and athletes to help them learn everything from Grappling to Striking. We also teach conditioning classes to help our members be in the best physical shape they can be in. As a result, we’ve seen many of the common questions regarding MMA training from people new to MMA training. If you don’t see the answer to your question down below, give us a call at (801) 255-1166!
Q: Is MMA training safe?

A: While injuries can happen, we focus on teaching you proper techniques so you can safely train. You’ll be able to learn how to move your body efficiently as you train regularly. This goes for all of our classes at Absolute MMA including Judo and Muay Thai.
Q: Can MMA training help me with my weight loss goals?

A: Yes! In fact, many of our students and athletes here at Absolute MMA are training to reap the health benefits that come from Martial Arts. Consistent training will help you increase your flexibility and physical strength. You will also improve your cardio since all of our classes engage your full body. Our coaching staff will be a resource for you as you participate in MMA training so you can achieve your personal fitness goals.
Q: Am I required to spar?
A: No, you’re not required to spar if you don’t want to. However, if you choose to spar, we’re here to guide you and answer any questions you may have!
Q: Do I need to compete if I just want to learn self-defense?
A: Not all of our students compete. There are opportunities to spar to apply your skills if you want to in a gym setting. If competing is something you want to do, we’re to help you prepare. Our classes have a range of experience levels represented from amateur fighters to professional fighters who will be great teammates for you. They can help you in your preparation for organized competition.
Q: Do you have a kids program?

A: We offer youth classes for three different age groups: 5-7 years old, 8-12 years old and 13-16 years old. Children 16 and up are always welcome to join our adult classes if they would like to attend. These classes are fun and engaging for children of different levels and athletic abilities.
Q: What do I need to wear to participate in classes at Absolute MMA?
A: The gear you need depends on the class you’re attending. A Gi is required for Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. For Kickboxing and Muay Thai, you will need boxing gloves and shin guards. Wrestling and No-Gi Jiu Jitsu classes call for rashguards/t-shirts and spats/shorts.

Q: How can I prepare for my first Absolute MMA class?
A: There are a few things you can do to get the most out of your first Absolute MMA class and every class after that. We recommend drinking water throughout the day to stay hydrated. We also recommend getting a good night’s rest. This will help you have the mental focus and physical energy you need to train. Another thing you can do to be prepped for training is to eat nutritious food prior to attending class. Having the right foods in your body will help you feel energized and ready to learn. All of these tips will also help you reduce the chances of getting injured and speed up your recovery process.
Q: What’s your class schedule?
A: We offer adult and youth classes throughout the week from Monday through Saturday. Visit this link to see the full class schedule: https://absolutemma.com/schedule/. For the latest schedule updates and class cancellations, please visit our Facebook page.
Schedule your free one-week trial today!

Try out all of our classes for free for an entire week! This is a great way to get a feel of everything we offer at Absolute MMA without having to pay for it. You’re welcome to attend everything from No-Gi Jiu Jitsu to Muay Thai. Go to this link and sign up for your trial today: https://absolutemma.com/free-trial/